

This blog has been chomping away in my brain.  I've debated back and forth about posting it, but I've decided that I want to chronicle my experiences this year.  The last year in my 30's.  If anyone reads it, then great.  If not, oh well.  What?  I'm not being sarcastic or whatever, I'm just stating facts.  I would love to have readers and a following, but I'm just not that good at keeping up with these things, nor am I that interesting.  Posting this is a way to post for all of posterity for my children and possibly grandchildren to see.  Wow, I'm not even 40 and I'm talking about grandchildren.  That needs to stop.  LOL!  So, 2018 began with me in RN school.  I've worked as a LPN for 10 years and decided to go back and get my RN.  I turned 30 and became a LPN, at 40 I'll become a RN.  Nothing dramatical about that huh?  January found me in critical care and psych.  I pushed through both of those classes all while working a full time job, jugg

What About Your Friends, Part 2

These girls are my BISHES!!!! We met online over our love of NKOTB and will be friends for life! We hit concerts together, have met outside of the concert scene, and even had a sleepover! These are my chicks. I miss them all daily but our friend ships are awesome because we pick up right where we left off every time. No drama, no bull. <3 This is my new friend Melissa. She and I have been friends for over a year now. This chick is awesome, and she lets me steal her baby so I can get my fix. I consider us pretty close, I know I can tell her anything, and she's da bomb. She's an awesome mom, and a great friend to me. I'm looking forward to many more years of friendship.

What About Your Friends?

Tonight, I decided to FINALLY update my blog! It's been awhile. Something has been on my mind lately. Friends. How many I have, how many are true, how many are there for me when I need them. These are all good qualities to have in a friend, but what about the ones that live far away? Can you still be besties? I've learned over the years that friends come and go, you will have those who are not truly your friends, and those who are just there out of convinience. Sadly for me, most of my best friends live far away or we are just so busy we can't find time for each other. That presents another question, am I a good friend for not taking time out for girl time? So, I want to take the time to give a shout out to some of my friends who have been there for me on this road called life. This is Melissa. She and I have been friends from waaaaay back when. We actually met online back in the late 90's when the internet first hit the scene. We met in a chat room cal


On May 29, I went to NKOTBSB in Baltimore, MD with some awesome Blockheads. I was blessed to have a friend who purchased my ticket and invited me along. I had the best time. I didn't get my pic snapped with any of them this time, but I did get to see some of them and saw an awesome show. The highlight of my time was meeting Rob Lewis. He is the musical director extrodinaire behind NKOTBSB. The whole show was a mash up of both groups. But, also a mash up of old school melody/new school melodies placed with NKOTB and BSB lyrics. I was in awe how the music and show came together so awesomely. I'm still in shock! I go back to watching the videos daily. My hats off to you Rob. I know it was not only the work of Rob, but of all the other band members, crew members, managers, and of course NKOTBSB. They opened the show with Single/The One that was set to the melody of One Republic. AWESOME!!!! I think that Joe Mac had something to do with this. His always been rock

End of 2010

The video above is a song that has become an anthem in my life over the last couple of weeks. As the year of 2010 comes to a close, all I can say is: "Thanks be to God!" God has brought me through the storm and I am here to tell the tale of this year. It has been a rough year for my entire family and I'm ready for 2011 to be here so that I can start anew. In 2010, my family has experienced: a 9 month unemployment, a separation of a dear family member from us, soap opera like drama from said family member, job loss on my part, struggles to balance work and home when work was necessitated and took over home life, growing pains from our family, a death, and hubby and I went through a rough patch where I thought he and I would not make it. All this said, I am here to write about it and say we made it through. I want to use this blog to vent, rant, and get all of 2010 off my chest so I can move forward fresh in 2011. In 2010, I started a new job in January as a travel nu

It's Been Awhile

Lately I have not been posting on here as I should be. Life has been so hard these past 6 months. I wonder constantly if I am doing things right, am I doing enough, and am I loving my family enough. I can answer the questions like this: I may not do things right, but I do them as to what's best for my family and myself in the moment. Life has a way of throwing curve balls, bowling balls, bricks, etc. Agree much? I do. I can honestly say that as I have matured in my body and life, I have learned what life is about and surrounded myself with those friends and family that mean the most to me. Granted, there are some family members I wish would be around me more, but I have done all I can, the rest is up to God. Yes, this sounds like another ranting blog, but that's the title of this blog so freakin get over it!!!! Yesterday, I went to the funeral of a very dear family member. This person was not my blood, but he was family to me. He was my son's step grandfather.

Rob Lewis aka @youngq

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